If you look through pictures from my recent trip to Italy, a pattern will emerge among my photos-windows, doors, floors, windows, doors, floors. There are very few photos of a building, structure, or place in its entirety. What is this about?! This photo pattern isn't limited to my recent trip, it's the same with all the images I take from any travels or experiences. Why am I so drawn to the details of a place? What is it about these smaller parts of a bigger whole that are the things I remember about the places most special to me? Is it just me that finds a connection in the details?
I took my questions to Google (for some reason, I need to feel that I'm not alone in how I think and feel about things) and I came away with a few helpful tidbits that I'll share in a bit, but I realized that this attachment to details may be something that is personal and specific to me, and that's okay, because it is me that is having these experiences. One of my Google searches confirmed this realization in an article from a psychology journal where the author says that our emotions are like a highlighter pen that emphasizes certain details that make the overall experience more memorable. This helped me make sense of my need to capture and savor the details of a place. Because my emotions are tied to these places and experiences, my memory (and camera) have "highlighted" the details. Much like when I highlight something I've read in a book, the highlighted passage is what I remember when I recall the book and it is the details I recall when I think of the places and experiences that have created my story.
These very details I refer to that have become the primary subject of my tiles. The windows, doors, floor tiles, even the floral tiles are details from specific places that are the most special-places I've traveled and places that I call home. From an art composition perspective, it could be said that my tiles lack depth because I just show one surface plane. The entire tile may be just a wall with a window, a front facade and door, or just the floor tile design where I've stood, but just that one facet calls up so much more in my memory of the whole-the conversations, the people, the tastes, and the sounds. I read somewhere in my Google search that we only retain 10% of the things we see, so maybe for me, these little details are my 10% of what I retain. All I need is to see the detail to remind me of the whole experience.